Xsolla’s Chris Hewish on the impact of AI for creative workflows

Xsolla’s Chris Hewish on the impact of AI for creative workflows

“To ensure that real creative jobs aren’t lost it’s important to establish measures that balance AI integration with human oversight”

Xsolla's Chris Hewish on the impact of AI for creative workflows
  • “If history has taught us anything introducing new technologies can often lead to shifts in workload dynamics rather than outright reductions in work”
  • “AI is set to drive innovation, boost efficiency, and elevate the gaming experience making the industry more dynamic”

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Technology has always defined how we work; from new tools to automation, people adapt to the best and worst that each advance offers. Now, in the games industry, artificial intelligence is rapidly becoming more sophisticated, and the industry finds itself needing to adapt.

For some, AI tools are essential, time-saving resources, but others believe there’s still a long way to go before they can perform to a sufficient standard. There are even greater concerns about what AI could mean for creative roles and the legal and ethical ramifications of how AI learns and where it pulls its information from.

Is the wider games industry now coming to terms with the increasing use of AI? Or is there still work to be done? Xsolla’s chief strategy officer Chris Hewish shares his thoughts on AI’s current and future state in games.

PocketGamer.biz: Firstly, how do you reflect on the last couple of years regarding tech trends and the rapid growth of AI?

Chris Hewish: The video game industry has been transformed by artificial intelligence’s relentless march over the last few years.

“Everything has changed in some way with the introduction of AI, with even game development being transformed.”

Chris Hewish

We’ve seen NPCs exhibit sophisticated behaviour that would make you swear they had human-like intelligence, and we’ve seen entire game worlds that are so intricate in detail that they feel handcrafted.

With the help of AI, even games have started to adapt to individual players, offering players experiences as unique as fingerprints. Everything has changed in some way with the introduction of AI, with even game development being transformed, with AI tools streamlining and enhancing the creative process.

What do you think about some of the concerns regarding AI replacing jobs? 

If history has taught us anything, introducing new technologies can often lead to shifts in workload dynamics rather than outright reductions in work. Developers increasingly recognise that AI can handle repetitive and mundane tasks, generate vast gaming environments, and enhance player experiences without diminishing the creative essence of game design. 

“AI can be a valuable ally in pushing the boundaries of gaming innovation.”

Chris Hewish

But to ensure that real creative jobs aren’t lost, it’s important to establish measures that balance AI integration with human oversight. This could include investing in AI literacy for developers, fostering collaboration between AI and human creativity, and setting industry standards prioritising human ingenuity. By doing so, AI can be a valuable ally in pushing the boundaries of gaming innovation.

To expand on that, do you think that within the games industry it will become important to have skills using AI to make yourself stand out for a job role? 

Investment in education and training is crucial to equip tech and gaming industry workers with the skills to thrive in an AI-dominated landscape.

This means not just technical know-how but also fostering critical and creative thinking. By nurturing an adaptable and resilient workforce, we can ensure AI enhances human potential rather than diminishes it, making technology an ally in our creative endeavours. 


What are some of the other challenges the gaming industry faces when it comes to AI implementation? Does AI need more regulation? 

“One major hurdle is ensuring that AI enhances player experiences without introducing biases or ethical concerns.”

Chris Hewish

While the gaming industry is embracing AI’s transformative power, it faces several challenges regarding implementation. One major hurdle is ensuring that AI enhances player experiences without introducing biases or ethical concerns. Developers must grapple with the balance between AI-driven personalisation and user privacy. 

Another pressing issue is the regulation of AI. Clear guidelines are needed to prevent misuse and protect developers and players. As AI continues to evolve, a regulatory framework that promotes innovation while safeguarding ethical standards is essential for the industry’s future. 

And what about the positives? How do you think AI can revolutionise the industry?

AI holds the promise of a profound revolution in the gaming industry. It can streamline the development process, taking over the drudgery of repetitive tasks and freeing up developers’ time to focus on what they’re passionate about – creativity.

Enhanced graphics and animations, powered by machine learning, can ensure that games are visually stunning to the player and run much more smoothly than they might have done before. AI is set to drive innovation, boost efficiency, and elevate the gaming experience, making the industry more dynamic.

Do you have any predictions for the state of AI across the next five years?

“In the coming five years, AI is set to transform the industry as we know it.”

Chris Hewish

In the coming five years, AI is set to transform the industry as we know it. Game testing will see a revolution with AI-driven tools, enhancing quality assurance by swiftly identifying bugs and balancing gameplay. While personalisation will reach unprecedented levels, adjusting difficulty and experiences to match individual player preferences

This technological leap promises more immersive and dynamic gaming landscapes, heralding an exciting era where AI crafts rich, varied experiences, elevating both the art and enjoyment of gaming.

And what about over at Xsolla? How are you utilising and managing the use of AI?

We’re always looking at ways to use any new productivity tool, especially with an eye toward how it can help us provide better solutions for our partners and the broader gaming community. Specifically, we’re looking at how AI can help provide better customer support experiences, enhance our business development capabilities, and help our teams be more productive.

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